Sunday, January 2, 2011


     Christmas spirit is incomplete without the presence of family get together, the coming of cold weather and different themes of Christmas decorations. These decorations create warm and enthusiastic feeling in the environment. It gives a special greeting to people celebrating the season. Traditionally, it is done with Christmas lights all surrounding the house, fascinating Christmas trees with sparkling Christmas balls in different colors and even life size Santa Claus and Snow Man. These decorations stimulate Christmas spirit and give the holiday season a meaningful and expressive way of celebration.

     During Christmas season, the University of the Philippines Los Banos is traditionally decorating the campus with Christmas ornaments and outdoor Christmas decorations. These include the gigantic Christmas tree with huge gifts wrapped with attractive ribbons all around the tree. The gleaming Christmas balls that have compatible colors enhance the beauty of the tree. Together with dashing Christmas lights, it lights up the warmth, love and feeling of happiness for all the people seeing it.  This year, colorful candy house are added to the captivating look of the decoration.

     Another thing that catches up the attention of the people is the so called Belen. This has become my favorite of them all. Every year, it gives a different taste to everyone. This decoration is made up of wood carved into shape and has a true feature of a person. This life size Belen reminds us the beauty and the pureness of the holy family especially the light that Jesus cast upon us for our lives.

     Last but not the least, the newest decoration that the university has made was the gigantic Santa Claus with his reindeers. This seems very attractive to kids since they are the ones who still believes and loves Santa. It is truly amazing and spectacular.  All of these decorating ideas give a touch of class to holiday season.

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